The TSET Better Health Podcast is your go-to source for everything related to tobacco, health, fitness and community. Join us each month as we cover topics like health care in rural communities, mental health and tobacco use, childhood obesity and prevention, farmers markets, our Healthy Living Program grants and grantees, and more. You can find us on our website at tset.ok.gov/podcast or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Please follow our Facebook page for updates. Welcome to Better Health!

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
#30: Nutrition in Public Schools
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Oklahoma students are back in school, where kids and teens often get the nutrition and energy they need to learn and stay active from meals and snacks served in the cafeteria. In fact, school nutrition is crucial for the health and well-being of Oklahoma kids both during and outside of school hours. With school in session and Child Obesity Awareness Month arriving in September, Episode 30 of the TSET Better Health Podcast will focus on school and child nutrition with Jennifer Weber, executive director of child nutrition at the Oklahoma State Department of Education; Heather Steele and Sheila Russell with Tulsa Public Schools’ Child Nutrition, and Valarie Carter, a classically trained chef, food writer and mom who shares her knowledge on Shape Your Future Healthy Kitchen segments on KJRH in Tulsa.

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
#29: Benefits of a More Walkable Oklahoma
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
We Oklahomans often find ourselves behind the wheel or behind a desk, causing us to fall behind on physical activity. When our built environment lacks sidewalks, trails, bike lanes – in other words, walkability and active transportation – it becomes even harder to get up and be physically active.
Efforts are underway within communities of all sizes to make them easier and safer to walk, jog, run and bike – not only in residential neighborhoods, but also in business districts that profit from increased foot traffic.
In this episode, hear from Ron Frantz and Shane Hampton of the University of Oklahoma’s Institute for Quality Communities on how walkability and placemaking – making public spaces more appealing – is happening throughout Oklahoma and why it’s good for our physical and economic health. You'll also hear from Kelly Martin, an elementary school principal. She explains how community partnerships led to walking trails that benefit numerous students and community members. Doug Walton, TSET Healthy Living Program coordinator in Muskogee County, also joins us to talk about Connect Muskogee and its plan to tie together every aspect of transportation system, including sidewalks, trails and bikeways.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
#28: Nutrition on a Budget: Eating Healthy in Food Deserts
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
We all know that eating well-balanced nutritious meals is important for energy and good health. But that can be difficult for Oklahomans who rely on dollar and convenience stores for their groceries because they lack access to faraway supermarkets. Fortunately, families and individuals can shop for healthy foods at smaller stores, and this episode’s guests provide resources, strategies, and services available to help. Pat Dehart, a diabetes educator nurse, walks us through what healthy options are available in dollar and convenient stores. Lydia Kelley, executive director of Loaves & Fishes, details the services her client-choice food pantry provides, who can qualify, and why it’s so meaningful. And Dylan Jasna, new member of the TSET Health Communication team, shares the wealth of resources available through Shape Your Future, a healthy lifestyle promotion program of TSET.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
#27: Encore Presentation: TSET Community Impact
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
TSET’s commitment to healthier communities throughout Oklahoma bears repeating. So the TSET Better Health Podcast will present an encore presentation of the “TSET Community Impact” episode that featured stories of partnerships between TSET Healthy Living Program grantees and local community members that helped bring new school playground equipment to Prague, sidewalks to Newkirk for pedestrian safety, increased healthy food access to small and large communities in Cleveland County and a host of healthier environments in Muskogee. The episode presents a great opportunity to look back at community impacts as TSET and its grantees look forward to both new and continuing opportunities for better health in Oklahoma in the months and years ahead.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Friday Apr 29, 2022
#26: A Vicious Cycle: Mental Health, Nicotine & Youth Quit Resources
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
We all know that nicotine addiction is bad for the body, but what about the mind? This month, the TSET Better Health Podcast takes a deep dive into how tobacco impacts mental health with three special guests: Tony Stelter from ODMHSAS discusses the toxic relationship between nicotine addiction. Krysten Isaac of Rescue Agency and Dr. Thomas Ylioja of National Jewish Health talk about two innovative tobacco cessation programs aimed toward helping youth and young adults quit smoking or vaping.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Friday Apr 01, 2022
#25: The TSET Health Promotion Research Center
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
The Health Promotion Research Center, or HPRC, is on the front lines of behavioral change technology. Join HPRC co-directors Michael Businelle and Darla Kendzor for an inside look at the Center's work and ground-breaking scientific research into mobile apps and financial incentives to quit smoking.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
#24: The Healthy Living Program
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Take a tour through some of the inspiring stories from TSET's Healthy Living Program. Hear from coordinators Melinda Caldwell, Arianna Derr and Hillary Mead about how they're collaborating with local leaders and organizations to improve the health of their communities. New municipal tobacco policies, Cherokee Nation health partnerships and summer feeding programs for kids are just the start of how these grantees work tirelessly to transform their counties for the better.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Friday Jan 28, 2022
#23: Breaking Bad Habits
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
2022 is in full swing. Making New Year’s resolutions are a common practice, but we often struggle with maintaining them through the year. For this episode, special guests Dr. Jon Hart, Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline Director, and Dr. Ashley Weedn, a pediatrician specializing in childhood obesity, walk us through what it takes to make lasting lifestyle changes for health and wellness.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
#22: 20 Years of a Healthier Oklahoma – TSET’s 20th Anniversary
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
The Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) was a ground-breaking agency upon its establishment in 2001. Unlike its counterparts in other states, the agency’s operations and missions were dictated by and for the people of Oklahoma by statewide vote. As a result, the agency remains innovative and effective in saving countless lives and changing the course of our state’s future. Take a look back at the last 20 years of TSET with former Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson and former State Representative Ray Vaughn, who were among the prominent bipartisan coauthors and advocates for TSET’s creation. Executive Director Julie Bisbee explores how the mission has grown and what’s in store for the future. Follow the journey from humble beginnings as a simple state question to Oklahoma’s public health powerhouse as TSET celebrates its 20th anniversary.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full transcripts and music credits available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
#21: Storytelling Saves Lives: The TSET Health Communication Team
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Storytelling is a central tenet of impacting human behavior and generating real social change. That's why the TSET Health Communication (HC) team is an important part of executing the agency's mission. But creating messages that resonate is no easy task. Hear from three special guests about the logic, strategies, and execution of TSET's award-winning HC team: Renee Nolen Rosencrans of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office of Smoking and Health shares her expertise on why health-focused messaging campaigns are critical to changing and understanding poor health behaviors; Sjonna Paulson, TSET HC Director, shares the history, evolution and strategies behind our work in HC; and Laura Beebe, an epidemiologist with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center who works closely with TSET as an evaluator to ensure that our messages are effective, shares interesting results from some of our most impactful public health campaigns.
All music licensed through PremiumBeat. Full credits and transcripts available at tset.ok.gov/podcast.